Perpetually Sore
Perpetually Sore : A martial arts and combat sports podcast
Ep. 6 - 12-Week Reset Program Pt. 1 - Diet Plan

Ep. 6 - 12-Week Reset Program Pt. 1 - Diet Plan

Welcome to 2022!

In this episode, I break down the diet element of my 12-Week Reset program which I am starting today.  This is not a "New Year, New You" resolution, nor a fad or trendy diet.  It is based upon multiple programs which I've created for people with successes up to triple-digit weight loss.

In my case, I'm looking to shed about 25 pounds that have crept up from holiday feasting and time off the mats due to injuries, and to restore my strength and conditioning to where it was earlier in the year.

This episode covers the high-level diet element of the program.  The next few episodes will cover the workouts, supplements, and other aspects which make it successful.

I hope you find this helpful if you are also working through losing some unneeded weight.  If you have any questions or comments, get in touch with us at or on Instagram at perpetuallysore247.

Perpetually Sore
Perpetually Sore : A martial arts and combat sports podcast
Perpetually Sore is a martial arts and combat sports podcast covering disciplines such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, MMA, and karate, bringing you insights, news, reviews, supplemental training, and more.